Better Safe Than Sorry: How Vapers Can Prepare For The Slaughter

May 13, 2015

Regular readers of this Blog know that I’m not very optimistic with respect to the survival of vaping as we know it today. I see a lot of questions about what a vaper can due to prepare for the likely restrictions and draconian laws which will (not if) adversely effect vaping. One procedure to prepare is to start mixing your own juices. Often referred to as DIY, it can certainly be complex and scarry to start mixing your own juice. This post is not designed to cover the entire DIY subject nor document all the preparation procedures that are necessary for survival post FDA regulations. It is a quick tip designed to make DIY much easier, save money, save time, and become self sufficient.

I’ve been mixing my own juice for about 1.5 years and would realistically consider my own talents as intermediate. I probably have a enough DIY supplies to open my own eJuice store 🙂 I also still vape a very small number of juices from vendors. I’m on a journey and always trying to make a given mix better and wherever possible, streamline my efforts. I’m also a juice snob 🙂 so I chase flavor and it better be authentic, grown up, multi layered, and strong enough to satisfy my buds. I’ve tried plenty of commercial juices and for me, most fall short of my requirements. I’ve also spoken to a couple of mixologists in Vegas and while the conversations were always enjoyable, a lot of them are producing mediocre juice that I would never vape. A lot of my mixes are failures and best used to clean your tires but I embrace this because it’s part of the DIY journey. A few months ago I stumbled across Mama J’s Juice Specialty Flavor Shop and HIC’s Flavor Mixes. My first reaction was…so what! I need more flavors like I need a hole in my head. Good lord, their must be thousands of sites that sell juice and or flavors. HA!

BUT I was intrigued so I watched and read a lot of posts. Who and what were the talents of “wllmc” and then came “HeadInClouds” aka “HIC”? Could they mix better than I could? How were their DIY talents generally regarded? It’s one thing to “talk the talk” with creative descriptions and pictures which I generally ignore BUT actually “talking the talk and walking the walk” is very rare in the wild wild west of eJuce and DIY vendors, where any Tom, Dick, or Jane can say anything they want about a juice and or flavor. It didn’t take long for me to discover that these two mixers are very talented and as of the date of this post I have made three orders with Mama J’s. Here is a quick summary followed by a list of what you need to get started. These are “flavor mixes” which only require the addition of your own NIC and PG/VG. I can mix a 10ML batch in less than two minutes.

Banana Bread – I love great Banana mixes and have a few under my belt but this flavor combo is better than I could mix and outstanding. Authentic, a hint of spice, warm, moist, with just the right amount of Bread to balance the mix. Mixed at 13% and vape it fresh.

Cherry Pie – Most mixes are way to sweet and a long way from any semblance of authentic. This flavor mix is the best I’ve ever tasted. Authentic, a hint of tart, subtle semi sweet, and with just the right amount of crust. Mixed at 11% and vape it fresh.

Cinnamon Vanilla Irish Cream – When I first tried this mix during the day I was not impressed. This is an outstanding after dinner flavor mix and that’s when it shines. It’s very rich in a good way, loaded with vanilla, cream, and a delightful hint of Cinnamon which is very hard to accomplish. The flavor balance for me improves after a few days and I love the stuff after dinner or even lunch! Mixed at 5% and let it sit (if you can) for a few days.

Game Over Custard – I was reluctant to try this flavor mix. After all, I have enough of my own custard centric mixes to open a custard bar. And I’m no stranger to all the hype around GVC (Grants Vanilla Custard). Much to my surprise and delight this Custard flavor mix blew my socks off. Their is other stuff in it besides the standard (my guess) Capella’s Vanilla Custard. It’s so darn smooth, a hint of ever so subtle spice, not sharp but so well balanced and creamy it stilll blows me away. Mixed at 14%. Even fresh it’s great but continues to improve after a few days. Let it sit (if you can) for about a week but try it fresh.

I vape these four flavors every day and have a few other flavor mixes from Mama J’s and HIC’s Mixes that I intend to try. A flavor mix saves me a ton of time since I don’t need to deal with individual flavors in a mix which can sometimes be five or more, and accurately measure each flavor. Mix with my pre mixed NIC base and I’m ready. Fast, inexpensive, and most important of all, an outstanding  flavor profile. Here is a quick summary of what you need to get started:

– The free eJuice Me Up calculator which performs all the math for your mix

– Your favorite Mama J’s Flavor and or HIC’s Flavor Mixes

– NIC (Nicotine) at your desired strength. I suggest you start with either 24MG, 36MG, or 48MG NIC if you are nervous about handling 100MG NIC. Read and learn about the proper handling of NIC. Some vendors to consider:

RTS Vapes

– PG and VG which is available from the three vendors listed above plus Essential Depot.

– Mixing equipment – Don’t spend a ton of money to get started. Almost all of the previous listed vendors offer the necessary equipment:

Plastic Bottles for storage – five or more
Syringes and Blunt Tip Needles to measure – five or more
Beakers to mix in – one
Cylinder to measure – one
Funnel to fill your Bottles – one
Gloves – five or more
Mask – one
Safety Goggles – one
Lab Coat – one

– You may wish to explore the purchase of a  DIY “Mixing Kit” which provides a solid set of some supplies to get you started and avoids having to order the mixing equipment and supplies as single items.

RTS Vapes Mixing Kit
Bull City Vapor
Find a DIY mixing Kit vendor via Google

– Safety Please!

Mixing your own juice requires knowledge and respect for safety procedures. Its not hard to grasp these concepts. Please keep all your DIY supplies out of reach of children or pets. Nicotine is addictive and toxic by direct swallowing or in contact with the skin. Nicotine is known to cause birth defects and reproductive harm. Handle with care. Flavor Inhalation Safety: Inhalation of flavor chemical blends by use of electronic cigarettes is a popular and more chemically pure alternative to traditional tobacco smoking. However, please note that this use of flavors is a relatively new practice, and has not been safety-tested by any official organizations. Therefore, I am not able to guarantee that any flavor is safe for this use. This would also be true for any other flavor manufacturer. There are no companies that can guarantee that any flavor is safe for long-term use. There has just not been enough time to do this kind of testing. These flavor mixes should never be vaped. You must add your NIC + PG/VG to the mix at the appropriate MG level for you, before you vape your juice. Both PG and VG should be USP Food Grade and Kosher. Keep your work area and all your mixing supplies clean. Order your supplies from trusted vendors with an outstanding track record. Vendors who deliver a quality product which is safe and meets your expectations. Perform your due diligence on new vendors before you order. Learn about the proper safety procedures in DIY via the resources and web sites posted on this page and follow these procedures.

– Saving money, time, and that warm and fuzzy feeling

My back of the napkin calculation is that a 30ML bottle of your favorite DIY juice should cost you between $3.00 and $4.00 to create. What’s not to like about that! Plus a quick recovery of your start up costs and the satisfaction and joy knowing that you are self sufficient and prepared for the Slaughter!

– Resources to learn more:

HIC’s “My notes on” – It might be hard to read but I guarantee you it’s the finest real world documentation about flavors and mixes you will ever read. Period! Juicy nuggets that the pro mixologists keep secret. It goes way way beyond what is posted in other venues. Read it and study it frequently!
Vaping Undergorund DIY  – WARNING – Some posts are not family friendly and are what you may determine as objectionable content. BUT the DIY area is remarkably civil and very valuable. The delightful hangout for “wllmc” and “HeadInClouds” aka “HIC”. The respective mixologists for Mama J’s Flavor and HIC’s Flavor Mixes. An occasional light dash of profanity in the DIY forums adds color to the conversations. 🙂 Other Forums at this venue have way more “noise”.

Disclosures/Disclaimers: This post contains links to numerous vendors. I have used all of them and feel comfortable presenting them as an option for you. I consider these vendors trustworthy, reliable, and they deliver a quality product. NO ONE on planet Earth or Mars asked me to make this post and include links to vendors. I do not and will not compromise the integrity of this Blog by accepting any form of compensation, trade, or in kind. That’s the way I roll so deal with it. 🙂  – Thank you – Steve 🙂