Favorable Media Coverage For Vapers?

May 5, 2014

I’m appalled at the lack of creative thinking with respect to convincing folks that the current FDA regulations are a de facto ban on vaping and they need to be significantly modified. Specifically, I’m referring to the slanted and false coverage we see on the Television. Everyone loves to complain but so few of us are thinking creatively. The solution is not rocket science. If vapers want favorable coverage on the big cable channels and TV stations they need to enlist the help of “Celebrities who Vape”. The world loves celebrities! Americans have an obsession with Celebrities. Many TV outlets would salivate at the opportunity to interview a celebrity who vapes and provide she or he with the opportunity to tell their own story. The Celebrity also gets free publicity and that warm and fuzzy feeling for helping the casue. It’s a win win for all parties.

Try this as a short list:

Leonardo diCaprio
Johnny Depp
Charlie Sheen
Katherine Heigl
Sean Penn
Katy Perry
Phil, Josh and Jake Harris
Kate Moss
Ryan Seacrest
Robert Pattinson
Nikki Reed
Tom Petty

Still don’t believe me? šŸ™‚ View these pictures to see more Celebrities who vape or try Google. I certainly don’t have the contacts in this industry to enlist the help of a Celebrity who vapes but someone on planet earth must have these connections so I encourage them to help. I’m NOT asking you to like or adore any of these celebrities who for better or worse are in fact often perceived as role models and authority figures. They influence. Period. You need to set your preferences on the back burner in exchange for the survival of vaping.