Sarah Buhr from TechCrunch LIES about Vaping

June 5, 2014

The opening paragraph reads: “…Forget for just a moment that e-cigarettes contain several of the same toxic substances in regular cigarettes but in higher quantities such as carbon monoxide, heavy metals and several substances used in antifreeze known to cause cancer….”


Then she has the hubris to make the following tweet: “…I seem to have hit a nerve with the vape industry reps, LOL. It comes down to repeat use and untested quantity, people…”


TechCrunch is a highly regarded and influential web site. The article has some comments from Vapers. Since when is saving lives via her “LOL” funny! Then more spin with the false assertion that “reps” are upset. Not a shred of reliable and generally accepted evidence. Junk science used to satisfy her obvious bias and lack of journalistic integrity. Just LIES and spin compounded with a disgusting Tweet. Would it be unreasonable to ask Sarah Buhr to actually conduct some research before she hurls lies. Start with our own Vaping Resources page.  She should be fired and a retraction published by TechCrunch.

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