The Time Line for Vaping Regulations

May 5, 2014

A total of nine steps are required before these vaping regulations become law. The FDA is currently at step six which is the public comment period which is required by law. It ends in July of 2014 and is a critical step if vapers have any chance to modify this proposed legislation. We are currently waiting for a CASAA call to action and guidance. Step seven involves the FDA creating a “Final Rule”. Step eight requires the OMB to review and approve this Final Rule.

Step Nine, involves the publication of the Final Rule in the Federal Register, which will include an effective date for the new regulations. In addition, the FDA will need to submit the Final Rule to Congress and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) before the regulations can take effect. This is also a critical step since it involves Congress and provides vapers with the opportunity to insure their views are heard and acted on by Congress.

Additional details and the source.