U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pension Committee. Congress in action!

May 15, 2014

FDA’s Mitch Zeller and CDC’s Tim McAfee appeared before this Senate Committee. Zeller wants to build a larger buracrecy. Zeller wants to enact these dryconian laws FIRST, and then conduct biased scientific studies to support his wild and flawed claims. Most of the Politician were either clearly biased against vaping, driven by an agenda funded by BT/Pharma, or ignorant. These bloaviaters are happy to obviscate the issue by assuming and or inferring that tobacco in a cig is the same as ejuice. This is the foundation of their flawed argument which is not true and never has been true.

The only bright light was Senator Burr who is on our side. See the video clip below where I have extracted his first remarks. Please pay careful attention to the valid points he makes and he is speaking from over 20 years of legislative experience on this issue. Watch the “you got me” expression on Zeller during his remarks. We need to use all of Senators Burr’s remarks against the FDA and other forces