
May 4, 2014

Welcome to VapeFight.com. Please excuse the dust because we just launched. A site dedicated to insuring the survival of Vaping. On April 24, 2014 the FDA released their regulations for Vapers. These regulations are a de facto ban and elimination of vaping. We plan to provide news, resources, and analysis to insure the survival of vaping.

A fair use exstraction for your reading pleasure from one of the most influential and respected vapers in the world:

“Oliver Kershaw, founder and CEO of E-Cigarette Forum, is much less sanguine. “Most vaping products now being used will not qualify,” Kershaw said in an emailed statement last week, “and will have to be submitted as new products, with huge expense incurred…. This is a highly costly and lengthy process [that] will create an unnecessary barrier to entry that will remove the vast majority of the products vapers are currently using to stay off tobacco. It’s a de facto ban that makes every other potentially positive concession in the proposal irrelevant.”
